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ENGLISH : visitors - May I help you?

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Enregistré le : ven. 24 oct. 2014 18:02
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ENGLISH : visitors - May I help you?

Messagepar Raphaël » lun. 9 avr. 2018 01:10

Hi english visitors!

it might be useful to see sometimes the text from topics on this forum displayed in English, so besides learning French, a very nice language, there is a feature here that could interest you:

You can translate all the board messages with this:
  • first of all, click on the ENGLISH flag on top on the right:
    Opera Instantané
  • so, at the end of all messages, you have the select menu: “Translate to”, select “English” in the list (see green arrow) and click on “Translate to” link (see orange arrow):
    2018-04-09 00_50_59-LISTE _ Extensions existantes pour phpBB 3.2.x - Communauté EzCom - Opera.png
  • wait a few seconds (between 1 to 10 depend on the text density) and the text will be translated:
    Opera Instantané

Enjoy yourself! :)


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